Action It Up Ministries’ secure property for females opens in Lakeland

Step It Up Ministries CEO and founder Maxine Dooley opens the door to a new women's safe house in Lakeland. The home on East Parker Street will house five women. ERNST PETERS/THE LEDGER

LAKELAND — Step It Up Ministries is opening its 3rd harmless residence in Polk County this week. The latest one is on East Parker Street in Lakeland.

The safe houses are geared to support women of all ages who have just been produced from incarceration or to give a homeless person a fresh commence.

“Step It Up was berthed in 2013,” said CEO and founder Maxine Dooley. “We began with adult men but we swiftly realized it was not what the eyesight was specific for — it was specific to help girls. So, from 2014 right up until now, we have housed women, likely 300 gals in the course of Florida.”